Friday, June 4, 2021

But God,

The past couple of weeks have been especially bittersweet.  Peyton's friends and cousins have grown up.  This means marriages have taken place and babies are being born.  Such joyful and wonderful times filled with "firsts".  Tom and I are grateful to share in these celebrations even though they make us think, "what if?"  Would Peyton be married with children by now?

One of Peyton's close friends and relative had a baby the other day.  She is beautiful.  After our first visit, we were at home and talking about how wonderful she is and ................Holy Moly, I can hear the song "I Can Only Imagine" coming from the office across from mine right now!!!  It's true, I can only imagine what it would be like to hold Peyton's child.  There have been several times since holding that newborn that have brought me to tears, wanting something I cannot have.  


God has good plans for us.  Several months after Peyton's accident I told the Lord I wanted grandchildren.  This is not possible; BUT GOD.  He has provided 5 grands for us so far.  And this week, after I'd cried a few times over what I did not have, God provided opportunity.  We were able to keep 2 of our grands for 4 days!  This brought perspective.  God knows us and He cares about our hurts.  God is generous, going above what we can even imagine.

Peyton has been in Heaven for 13 years and each day is still about what I choose to focus on.  Do I focus on what I do not have or the tremendous Blessing He has planned?  

Pictures of a couple of His Blessing to me. 


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