Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mouths of Babes

Yesterday, Tom went to the track to get in his 4 miles.  When he got there, he saw a friend and his 10 yr old son in the parking lot.  The dad was talking on the phone so Tom went to the son’s side of the truck and began talking to him.

Tom:  You going to shoot a crossbow this year?

Boy:  Yes (with big smile on his face)

Boy:  Do you have a boy?

Tom:  Yes

Boy:  Where is he?

Tom:  In heaven.

By this time the dad had finished up his phone call and he told his son, “you know who it is, he was a bull rider.”

Boy:  PEYTON JACKSON?  He’s famous!!

That boy will never know what that did for Tom.  I know Tom’s been having a hard time as hunting season gets closer and closer.  He’s been scouting some and I know he misses his favorite partner so much.

God knew what Tom needed at that moment and he used a 10 yr old boy to provide it.  He loves us more than we can comprehend.


Karen said...

Hi Becky,
Thanks for keeping an eye on my blog. I just had a chance to catch up with yours again. I am so sad for your husband, and missing his hunting with Peyton. The changes continue and each new season creates new adjustments. They come sooner than I am ready for, but that's just the way it is. It was so touching to have your son remembered by the little boy. It feels very important that they just be remembered...our beautiful, redheaded boys.

Hugs to you both, Karen

Pam said...

I'm glad Peyton is remembered. I know that was so special to hear for both of you. It must be hard for your husband to go about so many things he used to enjoy with Peyton.

Kelley said...

How precious! It is so amazing how God works like that!

Jennifer said...

Thank you, Lord, for the "little moments" meant just for our hurting hearts - and that come just at a time when a mama or dad really needs one!!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I'm so glad HE knows what we need, better than we know ourselves. Have a blessed weekend. Jackie

Mona said...

Love it!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

It is good to hear his name, especially when said enthusiastically from a young boy! :) God does know our every need, often before we do.

Jennifer said...

Just stopping by - hope you are having a great week!!

Hugs - Jennifer