Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Growth & Changes

So many thoughts and feelings rolling around inside.  Tom and I returned from vacation last week and I have to say, it was one of the best things we've ever done for ourselves.  The opportunity came suddenly and it took a day or so before we said yes.  Tom and I are inexperienced when it comes to travel and vacation so it was difficult to say yes to something so spur of the moment.  The time had come to shed any doubts and go for it.  We had a few days to pack and plan and when the day arrived for us to leave, it was obvious God had arranged it all.  I had several high pressure situations at work and they were going to be completed and settled the day before we left.  It was perfect timing and I felt very free to enjoy myself and not concern myself with the office.  Saying yes to this opportunity and traveling on our own were not the only things that caused us to grow.

This trip would enable us to further intertwine our lives with our adopted family.  When you spend 4 nights and 3 days together, playing in the sand and surf, eating out, etc., you get to know people on a more intimate level. It was a growing experience for all of us. This is one of our adopted grand kids seven years ago.  Here is a link to the blog post I wrote. Everything I wrote in that post has come to fruition and is getting better and better.  God is good!
The following pictures show what a great time we had and we are forever grateful.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day 2018

It’s been awhile. I hope I remember how to blog. I would usually post to Facebook but this day warrants more words, so here goes.
The last three days I have been in a terrible state of mind, focusing on myself and what I thought people should do for me or should have done for me. I’ve been in a deep pit and I didn’t even care!  I’m not going to go into details, but it was bad. This morning I had decided I was going to serve at church and then leave, not even stay for service. I kept picturing myself in a puddle of tears if one person said Happy Mother’s Day. I was dreading it. As I was getting ready I told the Lord, “I need something special from You, something that lets me know You are here.”  I know He is always with me, but as I said, I was in a bad way.

Tom and I got to church and set up breakfast for all the volunteers and I began to feel better. That’s what happens when you serve others and get your eyes off of yourself. The morning progressed, lots of Mother’s Day greetings and I did not melt into a puddle. HOWEVER, there was a moment that had me sobbing. A woman gave Tom and I a gift, a very special gift.

This is Peyton’s handwriting cut out of wood!  She used something I had posted on Facebook and I didn’t know she was doing this!  This is where she got the handwriting.

I’ve wanted this done for awhile and was looking for the right thing to use. Little did I know, God had it worked out. The blessing from the sign is amazing, but the other, bigger blessing is that she thought of us. Add to that, the fact that I had asked God for something special this morning. He loves me so much, even when I’ve been ungrateful. His mercy endures forever. I can’t act bad enough for Him to leave me or give up on me.

Thank you so much Michelle for using your talent to bless us this morning. It is the greatest thing to be used of the Lord and you certainly were today.