I know, I know, a whole post about Peyton’s hair?!?! What can I say, it was special hair.
As an infant: - In the video that was taken at the hospital as they were cleaning him up, all you hear people talking about was the red hair. Everyone “accusing/questioning” where it came from. Actually both Tom’s & my grandparents had red headed brothers and/or sisters, but no one in the immediate family had red hair. I have to say, when Peyton was little and I would watch the video of that day, I listened to it with the sound muted. This is my best friend Melissa, holding him in the hospital. She would be in the hospital 3 days later giving birth to her daughter.

As a toddler - little old ladies LOVED his hair. He got so much attention when we went out in public.

As a 3nd-6th grader - Even though I loved Peyton’s hair, the color of it was not a battle I chose to fight. I let him bleach it on several occasions. Usually after it had grown long enough to pull through the highlight cap, we would do the highlights then it would have to be cut. The finished product made him look like a spotted fawn. I also have pictures of him with blue hair, but this was just a gel, nothing permanent. Peyton puzzled me. He would not put himself in a box when it came to hairstyles or his clothes. He was a very good athlete and I was happy with the “jock” look. He liked different. Sometimes he would wear a big dogchain necklace and spike his hair, don’t worry he didn’t look too dangerous and this phase didn’t last long. The last year of middle school, we started shopping at American Eagle. I just learned the other day that when he started wearing these clothes, he told the girls, “this is my new look.” I know I said this was about hair, but it all goes together don’t ya think?
The "highlighting" process. He made me laugh!!
Here is the necklace and a mild case of spiked hair, nothing compared to the whole top of his hair twisted and sticking straight up. Sorry, no picture of that style
As a 7th-9th grader – He liked to wear it long. Well not long, but almost in his eyes and down his neck. Then he would cut it short, just whatever his mood was. He wanted to bleach his whole head, not pull it through the cap. I told him it would burn, but he wanted it anyway. It did burn, he said he would never do that again.
10th grade – Cowboys have short hair. I remember an instance during Christmas break 2007. His hair was in need of a cut. Peyton had just gotten out of the shower and his hair was still damp. He was standing in front of the wood burning stove and leaned over to me and said. “Mom feel how soft my hair is.” I reached up and ran my fingers through the top of his hair and said “yes it is.” I am so glad I did. I can still feel it, slipping through my fingers like silk, (red silk).
What a handsome guy! What a great personality! The fact that he didn't care what people thought. The fact that he wasn't afraid to try new things. The fact that he was his own man! How cool is that. You let him be himself. What terrific parents! I know you are beaming with pride. If not you should. I have a little one that beats to her own drum, too. She always has. I just sit back and watch. She amazes me. I know that Peyton amazed you too! You share anytime you want to. I love hearing about him.
I had to laugh when you told him it would burn, he did it anyway and then he said he wouldn't do it again. :)
What a handsome young man, Becky! I like his sparkly eyes.
It is nice to tell about him, isn't it? I like hearing about him.
What a blessing your trunkload of pics are! He was too sweet on the inside to ever even be ABLE to look mean on the outside!
Thank you for sharing more of your precious son with us. I love hearing about him and getting to know him a little bit better! Lovely hair! : )
Great post. I love the story of the reverse mohawk, very funny! And the pic of that balloon thing on his head. That looks old school..
Writing -- a balm for the soul. Sharing pictures a memory relived. Mom to mom - the warmest sharing of all. I can imagine how much you must miss him because I so enjoyed becoming acquainted with him through your post and pics.
I had to scroll down and look at his fabulous red hair again!
Loved this post! After you guys left yesterday, Erin would just start laughing and tell more "Peyton stories" when he was in jr high youth with them. She loved his personality!
We love hearing about him....great post!!
...we get tears too. And we love reading your thoughts and your shares. It makes us realize not to take the least little thing, feeling or moment for granted. You are such a blessing. Peyton such a ray of sunshine...still shining so bright. :)
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