Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Days Before Peyton’s Home Going Service

The posts in the coming days are going to be  about writing down the history of events that happened right after Peyton’s accident.  I am going to unapologetically brag on my friends, my community and my church.  They all held us up and loved us in ways we needed to be loved.  They were amazing.  I have read other blogs that have lists of do’s and don’ts concerning helping the grieving.  These people are the example of the do’s.  They did everything right.

When we came home that night there were ……….I don’t even know how many cars in our yard.  We walked in and our house was filled with our friends.  They all had the same look on their faces.  Disbelief.  I don’t remember everyone that was there or any conversations we had.  I do know that we were surrounded by people who loved us.  They took care of us.  They put their hand to whatever needed doing.  The dishes had been washed and put away, by two men!  The clean clothes in the laundry room had been put up and the floors were swept.

I heard later that several people traveled to the town where the accident happened.  They wanted to be with us, drive us home, whatever they could do.  We were already headed home. I know a group of them met each other in a convenience store parking lot and cried together.

My best friend lives approximately 2 hours away.  Her parents drove 2 hours to pick her up and 2 hours to bring her here.  They didn’t want her driving by herself.  I don’t think she could have.  She stayed in town for 6 days, leaving her family to be with us.  Her family joined her later and came to the home going service.

That night the organ donation place called me and asked me a whole bunch of questions.  I didn’t understand the need for all of that, Peyton specified “organ donor” on his license.  But I answered every question.  They were very kind and apologetic for having to ask me all those questions.

I don’t like long posts, so I am going to do this in installments.  I hope you check back to read the rest of the story.


Pam said...

I understand the organ donation thing. I had to field those questions when I lost my dad. They ask that so they can determine if there is an illness etc that would make them unfit. I know. Awful. A terrible thing to have to be asked when everything is spinning out of control. I can't fathom this sort of loss. (fine, then gone) I've seen it in others and I don't see how people process it that quickly when we had months to 'get used to' the idea. I'm glad you're documenting your story. The story God is still writing in you. : )

Tracie Jones said...

Becky~I have been reading your blogs the last couple of months. I have cried and smiled alot!! I didn't know Peyton personally, but I had heard great things about him. I too, lost a child~the pain at times is unbearable. I am glad to have God on my side to get me through it! You have been an inspiration to me, and I wanted to say "Thank You".
Also, my nephew had a heart transplant in October. If it wasn't for people like Peyton, he wouldn't be with us today. What an unselfish gift to give to a stranger~~the gift of life!!
Thank you, Peyton.

Kelley said...

Thank you for writing Peyton's story. God's love and his people surrounded you during those unbearable days and today.
I my heart goes out to you.

chippy said...

Isn't it amazing how God had that night already planned from the years before... giving you friends & giving you a church family to surround you & be His hands for you! His love astounds me! It is truly deeper, wider, longer & higher than I can imagine. Thank you for sharing your memories of Peyton's going home because God is seen in them.

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

i wish i could give you a big giant hug right now.

i am glad that you have an awesome church family and wonderful friends.

shows how much peyton and your family are loved by so many!