Monday, December 29, 2008
Another "List" Day
My husband
My church family
A great place to work
My home
Colorado friends
The "firsts" are almost over.
Tom & I were good parents
We have no regrets.
Peyton was a blessing to us. (He drove me crazy, he kept me on my toes at all times)
The Peyton Jackson Memorial Scholarship
The Peyton Jackson Memorial Baseball Tournament
God has a plan, He has not left us
I will hear His plan for me
It is a glorious plan
Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world
We will not be defeated
I know my enemy and I know he is a liar
People are praying for us
I can pray for others
It took longer than usual to come up with a list. I was feeling alone but I know God is with me.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deut 31:6
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deut 31:8
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Life Today
My life is blessed, and these holiday things will get easier. I will remember Peyton with joy. He brought so much joy to us. We have no regrets about the way we raised him. We have complete peace about where he is and we will see him again. We are able to see him again because of what God did for us. He sent us a Saviour. His only Son. Thank you Lord
Friday, December 26, 2008
New Experience
In a couple of weeks will be the one year anniversary. I think I am looking forward to getting all the "firsts" out of the way, but I really don't know. People have been so patient and good to us this year. I have read so much stuff about other people in our situation and the callous ways they have been treated, I can't imagine. We are so loved and people show it all the time, thank you.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I know in Whom I believe.
Tom & I are children of the Most High God. (I love that phrase, Most High God)
We hear His voice.
The Creator lives inside of us; we will not be defeated.
Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
We are more than conquerors.
Thank you Lord for your love and mercy. We will praise You in all things.
We will come out triumphant and You will get the glory.
We are victorious in ALL things, emotionally, physically, spiritual and financially.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Growin' in the Techno
Got to get on iTunes and download some Chrismas music to go with..that's another day.
Christmas Decorations
This is the buffet in our kitchen with close-up pics underneath
Tree in the kitchen.
Peanuts Christmas. Love that Christmas special! Linus has it goin' on!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Having said all that, here's some of my reality. I am grouchy right now and I do not care! I feel nothing is right and I am having a hard time seeing anything good. I want Peyton here! If you haven't guessed, I am crying. So here goes, "the list" The list I make when I don't feel like it, the list that forces me to see the good and look to the future.
My husband
My church family and fellow bloggers.
All shopping & wrapping are DONE
People will like what I got them for Christmas
Tom & I are healthy and are getting healthier
Our boys (Adam & Burke)
The Peanuts (you know who you are) okay...... I'm laughing at that one
Family over for Christmas
God's love for me
Church tomorrow
Fire in the woodburning stove
Okay, I get the idea. Our future is what we make it. What will I meditate on? What will I speak? With God all things are possible, our future can be incredible, amazing, awesome, unbelievably blessed if we make the right choices, subdue our flesh and walk in the spirit. My emotions are God-given, but can take me so easily into the flesh. This is a battle I will not lose.
Please do not report me for bi-polar disorder. I really did just run through those emotions as I wrote this, but really...I'm okay, this is "normal".
Monday, December 15, 2008
It was easy to have faith when our faith had never been tested. In the past, our main struggle was with money, but we could always tell ourselves...seed time and harvest, it just wasn't harvest time yet, so we kept sowing. But when Peyton died, that was different. How could this happen? This was big and important. Where was God? Why didn't He answer our prayers? I never blamed God, I just don't understand. I am missing something.
Since this happened, it has been hard to pray and believe God. Why will my faith work on something that doesn't mean as much as my son's life meant to me? Even though it is hard, I will do it. I will not base my faith on my experience, but I will base it on the Word of God. He loves me and is committed to me.
If we don't quit, we win.
Friday, December 12, 2008
11 Months
I tell myself several times a day that I will see Peyton again and I believe it. It feels like it could be soon. Could it be soon, or is it that my mind just can't comprehend going on for 40 more years without him? I don't know. That is why we have to "Do business" until He comes. (Luke 19:13)
I will be about His business, seizing the opportunities that come across my path, showing God's love, and glorifying my Lord and Savior.
Now I am going to seize some wrapping paper and finish wrapping some Christmas presents.
Another thought........... Heaven is even better than Christmas
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Funniest Christmas Joke Ever!!
A man's wife has an artificial leg. Shortly before Christmas, he buys her a new prosthetic and hides it in the closet. Unfortunately, she finds it and confronts him with the artificial limb.
"This wouldn't by any chance be my Christmas present would it?" she asks.
"No, of course not." responds her husband. "It's just a stocking stuffer."
I can barely type, I'm laughing so much :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Lost Dog, Found Dog
Oh yeah, on Sunday when Tom took Dusty with him to look for Goldie, Dusty fell out of the truck window. I told Tom that's why Dusty locked him out of the truck...revenge.
This is not a typical post for me, but I thought PS would really enjoy it, since it does have a happy ending. : )
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Enjoying other Blogs
Christmas Survey
1. Do you have a real or artificial tree? 3 artificials, but I love the real ones
2. Do you like eggnog? A little goes a long way
3. Favorite Holiday memory? Suprising Peyton with a gun
4. Favorite Christmas movie of all time? It's a Wonderful Life!!!!
5. What do you have for dinner at Christmas? Ham, turkey, dressing, all the traditional stuff
6. Favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful (I love the O Come Let Us Adore Him part)
7. Favorite Christmas treat? Toffee (homemade, of course)
8. Do you put up lights on the outside of your house? Tom puts them up and does a fantastic job!
Copy and paste this to your blog; with your own answers of course.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Holiday Memories
There are some Command hooks around the windows in Peyton's room. I came home from work one day last year and he had put Christmas lights on the inside of his windows. I thought how funny he was to do this. It didn't matter to him that some people would think it out of character for a "cowboy " to put up Christmas lights in his room. But that was just Peyton. He did what he enjoyed and really did live his life to the fullest. I miss him...I respect him...We enjoyed him so much. When I picture him in my mind, he is always smiling and laughing. I know he is still smiling and laughing and will be when I see him again.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Not Forsaken
I am thankful for:
My husband
My church family
Aaron is coming home for Christmas
Comments on my blog
Blogs that lift me up
Funny stuff (I need to laugh)
Of course I cannot list everything, but making a list gets me thinking on the positive, on the great and wonderful things in my life. I started a list the other day on things to look forward to, I have to say it was not an impressive list. I am going to work on that. My future is bright and as I move the dark out of the way, through prayer and praise to my Lord, I will see it. Amen.
Having a houseful of family over for Thanksgiving and then going to the movie and then back home to eat leftovers. The only bad thing is your too full to eat popcorn at the show, even though it smells so good! Is referring to the movie as "the show" a southern thing. I remember as a kid I lived in Illinois and we always called it the movie, but when I would come to visit Arkansas everyone called it "the show", funny.
Have a Happy, Joyous, Blessing Filled Thanksgiving!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Lots of Energy
I am a rip the band-aid off get the pain over with and go on kinda girl and this does not work that way. You deal with the hurt and sadness each time it creeps up, going good for awhile and then here it comes again. The hurt & and sadness do not come as often, but they are just as deep. My God is the same each and every time.
Today I left work early, not much to do. I didn't want to go home, my house was empty, Tom would not be home for a couple of hours. I made a couple of stops in town and then decided to suck it up and go home. Check the email...I have comments on my blog!!! I read them and they are encouraging. Thank you so much, I needed them. God uses us all to bless one another. I am truly blessed.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Baby Steps
Monday, November 17, 2008
This past weekend Tom told me in great detail of his hunting exploits. I listened and then I listened some more. I knew what was going on. He was telling me some more on Sunday night, then he said, "I don't have anyone to tell this to." I said, I know. He and Peyton were inseparable this time of year. I hate it for him. I love this man so much, and it hurts to see him hurting. He did harvest a deer.
We have great friends and they DO listen, but it is not the same as having someone there all the time, teaching them what they need to know and watching them grow. We do have great kids around us and God uses them to bless us. I know God has great things in store for Tom & I. God is giving us things as we become ready. We are listening...waiting........expecting.
I love you Lord, thank you for the blessings.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Daily Randomness
If you are reading this blog, please post comments. I would appreciate your input.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
10 Months
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The family will be gathering together and there will be a hole. I am not looking forward to it, but I will find many, many things for which to be thankful. God is good, all the time.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Andrew shot a deer on Saturday. When I saw the deer I immediately felt (not thought) that the deer had walked out of the woods right in front of Peyton in Heaven and Peyton knew Andrew had shot that deer. Can this be possible? I don't believe people in Heaven can see us on earth, but surely they know things. I won't know until I get there.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last year at this time Peyton was driving to school for the first time. He was so excited. I sit here typing this and I still cannot believe this has happened even though it has been more than nine months since I have seen my son. It is taking effort to stay positive. Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Colorado. I discovered another family via the internet that is going through what we are going through. They lost their son in April of 2006, also a rodeo accident. We have been emailing for about 2 months and now we are going to meet in person.
I just viewed my blog and read over some previous posts. I needed it. I have had lots of positive things to say and will probably read them again today. "It's the Miracle of Christ in me," that says it all. I am an overcomer and will make it through this day and every other day. Thank you Lord for your peace, love and comfort. We have been loved on by God through so many people and Tom and I are grateful.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ring Ceremony
I am beginning to see and understand that Peyton is here. He is in all of us. We are all influences on each other and need to realize this. When Peyton had been gone just a few weeks, he felt so gone to me. Now I can see him in his friends and am grateful these people have been brought into our lives because of Peyton. Don't get me wrong, this realization is no substitute for having Peyton here, but it is what I have right now.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tis the Season
I had to stop writing this yesterday, too many emotions. Today I am better. My God is bigger than any grief and He is the source of my joy. I am just so puzzled at these emotional days. I will have a few good days and then, right back to the pain. I don't feel guilt when I have good days, I enjoy them and thank God for them. They just don't seem to last. Some days I think of Peyton and smile, other times I can't even look at his picture. On those days I am desperate to find something to make me feel better. That is when I go to other blogs, especially our Pastors'. They are always uplifting and usually funny. Pastor Kevin and Susan are gifts from God, blessing us abundantly every time we are around them.
I will focus on my blessings and God will lift me out of this funk I am in. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, great friends and coworkers, and an awesome church family. Tom and I were asked by one of Peyton's classmates to present her with her class ring on Thursday at the ring ceremony at the school. I am able to go, but Tom can't. I think it will be a challenge to hold it together, but I felt honored to be asked. I love those kids and am so glad they are still a part of our lives.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11th
I tell myself every day that this earth is so temporary, just a blink of an eye compared to eternity. I know I will be reunited with Peyton and I have to focus on the good things that are still here on this earth. I will glorify my Savior and be grateful. We sang a song in church the other day that gave me an answer to the question I hear so much. "How do you go on?" The words in the song said, "It's the miracle of Christ in me, it's the mystery that sets me free." How true these words are. Christ in me is a miracle!! I will let that miracle shine through me. He has set me free from sin and death. I will rejoice today and be glad!! I miss you Peyton and I know you are having a wonderful, unimaginable, fantastic life in Heaven. Thank you Lord!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
What are you expecting?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Prayer for Today
I will celebrate this moment and every moment. I will celebrate You and Your marvelous creation, and I give thanks for this day. Today is Your gift to me, I will use it to Your glory while giving all the praise to You.
I am too hard on myself. I believe the prayers I pray, but when I let myself get down and the grief overwhelms me I feel I have failed. I am realizing that just like everything else I learn from God, I will not do it perfectly. I am going to allow myself to grieve. But I am also going to grow through the grief and be victorious. God is always with me, when I am sad and when I am joyous.
Thank you Lord.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ups and Downs
I am grateful
Jesus is Lord.
I have peace that surpasses understanding.
Tom & I are enrolled in bible school.
Jerry Savelle is coming to LWRV to speak.
Tom & I are healthy
Adam S. is going to Heaven too.
Burke & Brock are in our lives.
Heaven is unbelievable!!!
I gave Peyton's calculator away, (you know, the crazy $100 one they have to have for high school)
God is working in me and through me.
Monday, August 18, 2008
First Day of School
Now I am going to focus on what I am grateful for.
God loves me.
My son is in Heaven.
I will see him again.
My husband is a blessing to me, Tom loves God and loves me.
We have wonderful friends who love and support us.
I have a very understanding employer.
Mel is coming to visit on Friday.
Zane is getting better.
Peyton's friends are our extended family. I love those kids.
My son lived his dream.
Peyton will not be forgotten
Peyton's friends miss him, but are living their lives.
My church is awesome.
This is a very small list compared to the amount of blessing in my life. I am grateful for everything.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I remember at a Bible study group one time everyone was asked what person influenced our lives the most and how they influenced it. Everyone gave their answers and a comment was made that these people who have impacted us so much, don't even realize it. It makes me so conscious of my influence on others, is it positive or negative? Hopefully the positive outweighs the negative.
Peyton's friend has been moved out of ICU into a regular hospital room, going to see him tomorrow.
Thank you Lord for your active grace and mercy. I don't know why I keep using the expression "active grace", it just seems appropriate. God's grace is alive and active in my life.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Today is o.k.
Monday, August 11, 2008
7 Months
After 9/11, Peyton was afraid. One day he was reading his Bible and came out of his room all excited. He said, "Mom, look what God showed me.!"
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
I was so proud that day. It was exciting knowing that Peyton was hearing from God. He wasn't even 10 years old yet. It is hard to reconcile in my mind this scripture to what happened to Peyton. The thing I am sure of right now is, God loves me. I don't understand the whys or what the future holds, but I know God loves me and He will never leave me. I know that Satan is a liar and I know God has a blessed future in store for Tom and I. His Word says so.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
There are struggles
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Back Home!
Jose Rivera created a page for us to put in the football program. It is wonderful. Jose is a very talented young man and he has blessed us tremendously.
As you can see by reading this, this blog is for me. It is a place where I can voice my beliefs and strengthen my faith. You always believe your own voice more than someone else's. So I speak to myself what God says and speak out our blessings. This in turn reinforces what is already inside me. Thank you Lord, for your Word and your love. Tom and I have the assurance that your Word is true and you will never leave or forsake us.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Peyton's Going Home Service
Pat Medeiros had people bringing pictures to his shop and the AiredaleNation guy put together the DVD for the funeral. I picked out “When I Get Where I’m Goin” by Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton for the song. Then I changed my mind and wanted Tim McGraw’s “Live Like You Were Dyin’” because I knew that was how Peyton did live. It turned out they needed two songs for the DVD because there were so many pictures. The kids picked out a really sad song, but I wanted them to have a part in it so I was going to use it. Then Steven Medeiros told Pat to use the Paisley/Parton song. He didn’t even know that was my original pick. I know God used Steven and the perfect songs were played during the DVD. It was a perfect representation of Peyton’s life.
The DVD was played as people were coming in. The church was overflowing with people. The funeral director estimated 1300 people. It was amazing. Peyton's former employer spoke. Three friends spoke and then the three cousins, they were all amazing. We laughed at all the stories told. I was so proud of them. Kayli sang There You'll Be, by Faith Hill. I was so touched and impressed, she was awesome. Our church praise team ROCKED the place with History Makers. We had people standing up and clapping!! What else could we do? Our son was in Heaven!!!!
I remember coming out of the church as the pallbearers were loading the casket into the hearse. There were hundreds of people standing in the parking lot waiting to go to the cemetary. I will never forget that. It was very hard when the funeral director asked who we wanted for pallbearers. How could I ask these 15 - 20 year old boys to do this? But of course they did it and let us know they were honored to be ask. Again, I am amazed at these young people. I love them.
We were told by many people they felt better after Peyton's service. People that hadn't seen him since he was little said they felt like they knew Peyton the teenager. Everyone who left that service knew where my son was and that they would see him again if Jesus was Lord of their life. Isn't that what are lives should be about, pointing people to Jesus?
That Night
We are headed to the rodeo in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Peyton is riding a bull tonight. I don’t really want to go to a rodeo, but I do want to support my son. I know it will be a late night because bull riding is always the last event. Peyton is intense. We get to the arena and take our seats, waiting for his event to begin. Peyton is sitting with friends. When it is his turn to ride, Tom goes down to the chutes to pull his rope. I am ready with the camera. The bull is turned out and Peyton rides him for all he’s worth. He is bucked off. The next thing I hear is the announcer calling for the ambulance. The EMT’s are there putting him on the stretcher. Peyton’s arms are limp. I think, great he is knocked out again. He just had a concussion about 4 months before this. We go outside to get to the ambulance. The way the chutes are running we can’t get straight to the ambulance and have to walk around the building. One of Peyton’s fellow riders is leading us. He thinks the bull stepped on Peyton’s jaw. I think, his jaw will probably have to be wired shut.
We finally get around to the ambulance, they aren’t going anywhere. They are waiting on another ambulance. I don’t understand. Why aren’t they going to the hospital. One of the EMT’s tells me they are “working on him”. “Working on him for what?” I ask. He says there is no pulse. There are electrical impulses from his heart, but no pulse.
We get to our truck and follow the ambulance to the hospital. I can see them working on him through the ambulance doors. I try to pray but can’t seem to. I tell myself, this is your son’s life, you must fight for it. I began to pray like I have never prayed before. I commanded Satan to let go of my son. I quoted every scripture related to long life, authority, & weapons. I commanded his heart to beat and his lungs to breathe, over and over again, the same thing when we reached the hospital and were waiting. I did not stop praying, except to call other people to pray. I reached Pastor Susan and told her the situation. I talked to several others and asked them to pray. I prayed the Word of God, I talked to my mom, I told others that were calling, I can’t talk I have to pray for my son. I left the hallway to go to the bathroom. When I came out the doctor was there. Peyton was gone.
Tom and I went into the area where Peyton was. We knew "he" wasn’t there. We touched his face, kissed his forehead. We didn’t stay that long. I told Tom we need to get out of here. I felt if I thought too long about leaving I wouldn’t be able to leave.
We drove to Muldrow to Blaine’s house and picked up my car. Brock drove it home and Tom and I were in Tom’s truck. I remember asking Brock to ask his mom to make our bed. The clean sheets were in a pile on the bed, but I hadn’t put them on yet. I knew I couldn’t when I got home. When we arrived there were so many cars in our yard and driveway. It took me by surprise. I just thought people would come in the morning. We pulled into the garage and as my hand was on the door, I told Tom I don’t want to go in. I couldn’t imagine starting this new life. Of course we did go in. We had so many people there for us. With the technology of cell phones everyone had heard. I heard stories later of people driving to Muskogee to be with us, but we had already headed home. We got to bed about 3:30 and got up about 6:00.